Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PS Vita AR Cards!!

Ok. I know..why am I not posting a review of the fantastic PS Vita.. haha. I'll try to find some time in the future. In the meantime as all would have known, PS Vita supports the Augmented Reality, a.k.a. AR. So why doesn't Sony release the AR cards with the set? I wonder too.. blah..

So how do we go about using the 3 free games without the damn cards? Well, you got the answers here. Just download the 6 cards and print them out as normal. Advise you use some kind of thick paper or backing. Else you will have them fly all over the place. 

Alternatively, if you have an Android device, head down to Google Market and search for Vita AR Cards. The app is in no way done by me nor related in any way though.
Market link to the app:
Vita AR Cards v 1.2 ( http://market.android.com/search?q=pname:com.andrewwilson.vitaarcards )

I find the latter much more convenient.