Saturday, December 28, 2013

Glass Dip Pens.. The Beauty of Writing

Ok.. I'v been looking for glass dip pens for the longest time. It seems for years no one locally has brought them in. Many times I've went online, added stuff to carts and not buy. Its usually either they are too bloody expensive or shipping is atrocious. Maybe I always choose the elaborate designs.. haha.

So I stumbled upon a gift store yesterday. To my surprise, glass pens. All I ave in my mind was "I gotta have these!", even though I had already bought a set of calligraphy dip nips just a while ago in another store. 

I would say the are not as pretty as the ones I've seen online but still nice. It's a start for my collection for sure. 

I have not tried them out yet. One day.. one day.. 

As one can see, I'm missing a proper ink well.. ha. Still in the hunt for a nice looking one. 


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